Privacy Policy

We, ALDI SUPORT SRL, have taken technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against loss, alteration, or to eliminate the risks of unauthorized access. Thus, the personal data processed by us is in compliance with legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data and the EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as GDPR).

Type of personal data: The personal data that will be processed by us includes: first name, last name, email, phone number, address, and CNP.

Methods of data collection are done through: filling out a form requesting information/offers or subscribing to our newsletter, and through making a purchase of products.

Additionally, we specify that our site is addressed to individuals over the age of 18, the data collected is necessary according to the fiscal law and the fiscal administration laws of Romania, and is necessary for contract creation and/or issuing fiscal invoices for the products and services we sell.


a. Personal data – any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (”data subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

b. Data Controller – means the person who transfers the personal data and who is our representative in our relationship with you.

c. Technical and organizational security measures – means the measures intended to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, especially when the processing involves the transmission of data over a network, as well as against any other form of processing.

d. Categories of data processed – personal data (first name, last name, address, phone number, email address, etc.) is processed by us only when these data are entered by the interested person in the fields created on our site (e.g., the field regarding the request for information/offers or subscription to the newsletter).

e. Processing of personal data: means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.


We use your personal data to benefit from our services as follows:

a. Data for the newsletter service: We process your data consisting of name and email address for subscription to our newsletter.

Upon accessing the website, the option for subscribing to our newsletter is visible, in which case, to subscribe, you need to press the “Subscribe to Newsletter” button.

Following this subscription consent step, you will be asked to enter a series of data about yourself that allows us to send you relevant offers and information, as well as to express your agreement regarding the way you wish to communicate.

By this subscription, you will benefit from direct marketing actions specific to our segment of activity, and we will keep you informed about our products, services, and campaigns, respecting the legal provisions in force.

The use of data ceases as soon as you unsubscribe from the newsletter service. You can unsubscribe at any time and free of charge from the newsletter service by: checking the “Unsubscribe” option within the newsletter, sending an email to the contact address on the site explicitly requesting unsubscription, or by accessing the following link.

b. Data for information/offer requests: By filling out the contact forms intended for potential clients or partners, you provide us with access to your contact data which we will use to respond to the requests and questions addressed.

c. Social network plugins and use of cookies: Our website uses “plugins” from social network operators (e.g., All social network plugins on our website are clearly and distinctly marked.

Through these plugins, we do not collect/store personal data of clients. In addition to our clients, according to the functioning method of social networks, it is possible that the virtual friends of our clients can view our page as a result of liking our web page.

Regarding the use of Cookies (the terminology includes “Internet Cookie”, “browser cookie”, “HTTP cookie” or simply “cookie”), we mention that these are files or information that can be stored on your computer or mobile devices, with Internet access (smartphone or tablet) when you access the Internet. The cookie is installed by the request issued by a web-server to a browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Chrome) and cannot access the information on the user’s computer/mobile device. We mention that this technology does not contain software programs, viruses, or spyware. We use cookies to make the site easier to use and to better adapt it, through our offers, to your interests and needs.

Cookies are also used to increase the speed of your future activities and experiences on our site. More details and information about cookies can be found in the cookies section of our site.


In general, all information collected is used for the intended purpose, for which you sent it to us, mentioned at the time of collection or in the privacy policy. We can use your personal data for one of the following purposes:

  • We use your contact data to respond to your requests communicated either by using the contact form or directly using our email or postal address;
  • We use the email address you provided to receive commercial information such as newsletters, promotions, offers, etc., if you have given your consent in this regard;
  • We use the information collected through cookies, pixels, or plug-ins to provide you with an optimized experience when using our site;
  • We may use your data for statistical purposes, to evaluate customer satisfaction with our services. Your responses are strictly confidential and will be used solely for improving our services; the data is collected and processed through an external application so there will be no connection between your personal data and the responses you give through these questionnaires.
  • We use your data for issuing fiscal invoices according to Romanian laws;
  • We use your data: Name, First Name, Address, Phone, Email to deliver our products and services, these being further provided to our collaborators (courier company, service companies, etc.);
  • In extraordinary situations, your data may be transmitted to state authorities and institutions, upon their request and requirement.

If you choose not to provide any personal information when requested, you may not be able to participate in certain activities and personalized features on our websites and have limited access to the services and special offers. For example, if you refuse to share your email address, you will not be able to receive any newsletter and will not be able to contact us through the form on the site.

However, simply browsing our sites and learning more about our products does not require you to provide any personal information.


We guarantee that your data will not be sold or rented to other individuals or legal entities, so that they can be used by other companies, without your consent. However, we may disclose your data to third parties to ensure you benefit from our services, such as service providers who ensure the functioning of the site, marketing agencies that ensure newsletter communication, public authorities or institutions in order to fulfill legal obligations, etc.


According to GDPR, as a data subject, you benefit from a set of rights, respectively:

a. The right to information and access to personal data: the right to obtain confirmation whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed, and, if so, access to those data.

b. The right to rectification: the right to request and obtain from the Controller, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and/or to obtain the completion of incomplete personal data, noting that in the case of an online account these changes can be made personally by you in the account data editing section.

c. The right to erasure (“the right to be forgotten”): the right to obtain the erasure of personal data concerning you, without undue delay, if certain reasons mentioned in GDPR apply.

d. The right to restrict processing: the right to obtain restriction of processing in certain cases.

e. The right to data portability: the right to receive personal data concerning you and to transmit those data to another controller.

f. The right to object: the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you, under the conditions of GDPR.

**g. The right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you.

**h. The right to lodge a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing (ANSPDCP) if you consider that your data have not been processed in accordance with legal provisions.

National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing Bld. General Gheorghe Magheru 28-30, 010336, Bucharest, Romania Tel: 031 805 9211

To exercise these rights, please send us a written and signed request using the contact details specified on the contact page.


We reserve the right, at our discretion, to add, modify or remove elements from this Privacy Policy in the future to ensure that the contained information provides relevant and appropriate information regarding our collection and processing of your personal data.


Aldi Suport SRL, CIF 40975942; J12/1640/2019


